TWOK Blocklift

Home > Products > Lineer Solutions >  Hydraulic Lineer Actuators  > TWBL TWOK Blocklift

    • Product description
    • Blocklifts are gas springs that can be locked at any position with fitted locking valve. Valve mechanism is to be triggered with a pin rod that alows the displacement. In case releasing the pin rod,valve mechanism is deactivated and blocklifts can be easily locked.

    • Important Notice:
    • TWBL is not a safety part.
      Our adjustable fittings are designed for use in adjustable furnitures,equipments or similar purposes. We do not accept any responsibility with respect to security risks caused by any applications other than described above nor for any unspecified application.

    • Basic Principles
    • User friendly, easy to use
    • Stops at any required locking position
    • Displacement with locking system
    • Various position adjustment

Advance Features

Load Lift
A Min - A max  10- 400 mm
L min - L max:  100-1000 mm
Fmin - Fmax:  50 - 1500N
Material & Surface Stainless steel & Black Paint
Colur Black (standart) *
Working temperature −30° / +80° (standart) *
*Please get in contact for special requests


T2 Blockable gas sprıng wıth tube end pın (rıgıd)


Blockable gas sprıng wıth tube end pın (flexıble)